Water purification information

Water purifier industry sales increased by 23% year-on-year, Aicksn and Xiaomi seized 40% of the market share

Views : 69701
Update time : 2021-08-30 14:58:36
The market for water purifiers has always been blank, and the penetration rate needs to be improved. However, in the past two years, with the technological upgrades and iterations of the water purification industry, as well as the growing consumer demand for healthy living and quality water, the water purification industry is on the verge of explosive growth.
At present, among all household appliances, water purifiers have grown into the second largest category after electric fans, surpassing multiple categories such as water dispensers, vacuum cleaners, and humidifiers.
Compared with the same period last year, the sales volume of household water appliances for household appliances has also increased significantly this year. According to data from JD.com, the sales of mid-to-high-end water heaters in 2021 increased by over 100% year-on-year; according to Whale Staff data, the cumulative sales of JD’s water purifiers exceeded 4.7 million in the first half of this year, with sales exceeding 3 billion. Among them, Q2 quarter net sales exceeded 2.7 million units, and sales exceeded 2 billion, an increase of approximately 23% year-on-year.
With the further development of the water purifier market, the market structure is basically set. As a whole, aicksn and Xiaomi are the leading companies, and the two have a market share of over 40%. The remaining brands of Midea, Qinyuan, Philips, Joyoung, Haier, Smith, 3M and Supor will share the surplus.
However, although market concentration is high and competition barriers are high, if large companies lack sensitivity to the market environment, once small and medium-sized enterprises make up for the lack of channels through product technological innovation, there is also the possibility of subverting the former. In fact, many companies are already working hard on this road. They start from different directions and try to seize the market ahead of time.
For example, Midea Zero Submergence 2.0 technology, which improves and upgrades basic functions, and Philips' "full-time fresh" technology; such as AO Smith and Vantage, which meet the individual temperature needs of different consumers for coffee, milk powder, etc.; for example, closely integrated with smart homes , Xiaomi Smart Interconnected Water Purifier, which completes the smart water solution for the whole house, and so on.
The growth opportunities of the water purifier market are controlled by the innovation of major companies. It can be seen that water purifiers less than 1,000 yuan have the highest sales, but water purifiers of 2,500 yuan and above have the fastest growth. This also means that a new wave of technological optimization and functional innovation has been set off, and efforts are being made to move closer to the younger generation with strong receptivity and consumption power.
At the same time, related data predicts that from 2016 to 2021, the water purifier market is expected to maintain a compound annual growth rate of 50%, and water purification equipment will maintain a rapid growth trend. The scale of water purifiers will exceed 150 billion in 2021. Yuan.
Then, companies trying to have a long-term development in the field of water purifiers can start from different categories of water purifiers, different prices, and different application scenarios, and comprehensively analyze the capacity, competition pattern, demand, and their own positioning and development direction of each market segment. , To think about the layout of the new strategy.
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